W skrócie:

W czasie Past Continuous operatorami są "was", "were" a czasownik występuje w formie present participle - czyli jest to czasownik z końcówką -ing, np. "going".

Zdań w Past Continuous używamy, aby powiedzieć o tym, co działo się - trwało w określonym czasie w przeszłości.

I was sitting and listening to music. - Siedziałem i słuchałem muzyki.









Więcej na temat ogólnej budowy każdego zdania dowiesz się tutaj.

budowa zdania twierdzącego:

   You     were     speaking     English  

budowa zdania pytającego:

 why    were   you   speaking   English   ?

budowa zdania przeczącego:

 You    weren't   speaking   English   .

"were not" = "weren't"


tabela odmiany zdania przez osoby

Zdanie twierdzące

Zdanie pytające

Zdanie przeczące

I was driving a car. Was I driving a car? I wasn't driving a car.
You were driving a car. Were you driving a car? You weren't driving a car.
He was driving a car. Was he driving a car? He wasn't driving a car.
She was driving a car. Was she driving a car? She wasn't driving a car.
We were driving a car. Were we driving a car? We weren't driving a car.
You were driving a car. Were you driving a car? You weren't driving a car.
They were driving a car. Were they driving a car? They weren't driving a car.


zastosowanie czasu Past Continuous:

Czas ten nazywa się przeszły ciągły, ponieważ opisuje czynności, które trwały w określonym czasie w przeszłości. Czyli zaczęły się wcześniej i trwały w przeszłości. Jeśli mówię:

"I was sitting"

to znaczy, że zacząłem siedzieć wcześniej, i w danym momencie moje siedzenie trwało.

A więc czasu Past Continuous używamy dla:

  • Czynności, które trwały w określonym czasie w przeszłości:
    • O konkretnej godzinie:(Past Continuous + godzina)
      • I was driving a car at 3:00 - O godzinie 3:00 byłem w trakcie prowadzenia samochodu 
    • W opisanym momencie, gdy coś się zdarzyło, czyli wydarzenie długie +wydarzenie krótkie (Past continuous<trwało -  długie> + Past Simple<zdarzyło się - krótkie>)
      • I was driving a car when you called me. - Byłem w trakcie prowadzenia samochodu gdy do mnie zadzwoniłaś.
  • Opisywania dwóch lub więcej wydarzeń które działy się jednocześnie(równocześnie):
    • The sun was shining and the birds were singing. - Słońce świeciło, a ptaki śpiewały.
    • My wife was writting a scenario while I was talking to my customer. - Moja żona pisała scenariusz, podczas gdy ja rozmawiałem z moim klientem.
    • While I was reading, my sister was watching TV. - Podczas gdy czytałem, moja siostra oglądała telewizję.
  • Opisywania czegoś co działo sie dłuższy czas w przeszłości.
    • I was working whole day yesterday. 
    • I was working from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday.
  •  opis tła wydarzeń.
  • I went for a ride. The sun was shining and birds were chirping. 

okoliczniki czasu:

  • "while" - podczas gdy - używamy przed zdaniem w Past Continuous
    • You called me while I was taking shower.
  • "when" - kiedy (używamy przed zdaniem w Past Simple, mówiączym o nagłym wydarzeniu, które przerwało inną czynność )
    • When you called me I was taking shower

przykłady różnych zdań


  1. I was watching TV while my brother was doing his homework.
  2. I was thinking about many things when I was walking alone in the park.
  3. I was going to the store when you saw me yesterday afternoon.
  4. I was studying for the exam when the phone rang.
  5. She was crying because she was sad when I found her.
  6. We were discussing our plans for the weekend when you entered the room.
  7. They were playing football in the rain when the accident happened.
  8. John was driving fast because he was late when he got the speeding ticket.
  9. I was working at a cafe when I met my spouse.
  10. He was reading a book when I called him last night.
  11. They were laughing so hard because someone told a joke during the meeting.
  12. I was wearing a red dress at the party last weekend.
  13. I was sleeping when the earthquake struck.
  14. The dog was barking so loudly because it heard a noise at midnight.
  15. They were playing games in the backyard when it started to rain.
  16. I was listening to music while I was working on my project.
  17. She was waiting outside the building for so long because she arrived early.
  18. I was traveling abroad at this time last year.
  19. They were arguing when I arrived at the scene.
  20. The baby was crying because she was hungry when I picked her up.
  21. I was eating a salad when you saw me at the restaurant.
  22. I was planning a vacation when I got the news.
  23. He was carrying so many books because he was going to the library when I met him.
  24. I was planting flowers in the garden when it began to snow.
  25. They were celebrating a birthday when I joined them.
  26. She was wearing a coat in the summer because she felt cold.
  27. I was writing notes in my notebook when the teacher asked me.
  28. I was playing video games when my parents got home.
  29. They were swimming in the lake so late in the evening because it was very hot.
  30. I was discussing the project details with my boss before the meeting.
  31. I was shopping when the fire alarm went off.
  32. The car was parked in front of my house because it broke down when I woke up.
  33. They were singing a popular song when I walked into the room.
  34. I was having dinner when the power went out.
  35. He was standing in the rain without an umbrella because he forgot it.
  36. I was thinking about my plans for the weekend when you interrupted me.
  37. They were watching the movie when I called them.
  38. She was sitting alone in the dark because she was meditating.
  39. I was drawing a landscape when you saw me at the park.
  40. I was practicing the piano when you knocked on my door.
  41. They were playing music so loudly at midnight because they were having a party.
  42. I was planning to go on a trip before the plans changed.
  43. I was reading your text when you called me.
  44. He was painting the fence because it needed a fresh coat when it started to rain.
  45. I was dreaming about a vacation when I woke up suddenly.
  46. They were preparing the meal when I arrived.
  47. She was running in the park at dawn because she enjoys the morning air.
  48. I was talking about work with her when you came in.
  49. I was fixing the car when the storm hit.
  50. They were dancing in the street during the parade because they were celebrating.