
We meet in the late afternoon at a cozy café in the heart of the city. The weather is perfect – sunny with a gentle breeze.

As we sit down at a corner table by the window, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. We start with some light conversation, sharing stories and laughter as we sip our drinks.

After finishing our coffee, we decide to take a stroll through a nearby park. The greenery is lush, and flowers are in full bloom, creating a picturesque setting. We walk along the paths, enjoying the tranquility and each other's company. We find a bench near a small pond and sit down to watch the ducks swimming, continuing our conversation and getting to know each other better.

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm golden glow over everything, we head to a charming little restaurant for dinner. The ambiance is intimate, with soft lighting and soothing music playing in the background. We enjoy a delicious meal, savoring every bite and engaging in deeper, more meaningful conversations.

After dinner, we take a short walk to a nearby lookout point with a stunning view of the city skyline. We stand there in comfortable silence, taking in the beauty of the moment. As the stars start to twinkle in the night sky, we feel a sense of connection and contentment.

The evening concludes with a gentle hug and the promise of another date. We part ways with smiles on our faces, both of us looking forward to the next time we can share such a wonderful experience together.


trudniejsze wyrazy i zwroty w znaczeniu z kontekstu:

cozy - przytulny, wygodny

breeze - wiaterek

brewed - parzony

take a stroll - przejść się

laughter - śmiech

sip - popijać, sączyć

greenery - zieleń, roślinność

lush - bujny

bloom - rozkwit

picturesque - barwny, malowniczy

tranquility - cisza, spokój

pond - staw, sadzawka

cast a glow - rzucać poświatę

head - kierować się

ambiance - atmosfera, nastrój miejsca

soothing music - uspokajająca muzyka

savor - smakować, rozkoszować się

stunning - zachwycający

take in - przyswajać coś

twinkle - migotać

contentment - zadowolenie

conclude - kończyć się

part ways - rozstać się


Comprehension Questions - Sprawdź, na ile rozumiesz tekst:

  1. Where do the two people meet at the beginning of the date?
  2. What kind of weather is described during the date?
  3. What do they do after finishing their coffee?
  4. Where do they go for dinner?
  5. How is the atmosphere described in the restaurant?
  6. What do they do after dinner?
  7. How does the evening end?

Poniższe pytania zachęcą cię do kreatywnego myślenia i rozwiną Twoją umiejętność wypowiadania się.

  1. What part of the date did you find the most interesting or romantic?
  2. Is there anything you would change about the date? Why?
  3. What other activities would you like to include in this date?
  4. How do you think the characters felt at the end of the date?
  5. Can you describe a perfect date in your own words? What would you do differently?