Jane and Sarah were best friends and always helped each other out. One day, they decided

to go on a weekend trip to the countryside. Jane had heard about a beautiful lake there and wanted to visit it early in the morning. “The early bird catches the worm,” she said, urging Sarah to wake up at dawn.

They set off at first light, hoping to enjoy the serene morning. On their way, they noticed a small farmers’ market setting up. Jane remembered that she needed fresh vegetables for dinner that night. “We can kill two birds with one stone,” she suggested. “We can buy some fresh produce and then head to the lake.”

Sarah agreed, and they bought a variety of vegetables from a friendly farmer. As they walked away, Sarah remarked, “You know, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. It’s better we got these fresh veggies here than hoping to find something later on.”

When they finally reached the lake, they found a group of people already there, enjoying the view and feeding the ducks. Jane noticed that the people seemed to know each other well. “It looks like birds of a feather flock together,” she observed, smiling at the sight of her friend enjoying the morning together.

The trip turned out to be perfect, as Jane and Sarah enjoyed both the market and the lake, feeling grateful for their successful and enjoyable outing.

Idiomy z "birds" użyte w tekście:

  1. Kill two birds with one stone - załatwić dwie sprawy za jednym zamachem
  2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu
  3. The early bird catches the worm - kto rano wstaje, temu Pan Bóg daje
  4. Birds of a feather flock together - ciągnie swój do swego

Lista trudniejszych słówek:

  1. the countryside - okolica wiejska
  2. urge - popędzać
  3. serene - pogodny, bezchmurny 
  4. dawn - świt, brzask
  5. remark - zauważyć, spostrzec
  6. observe - zauważyć

Trudniejsze zwroty:

  1. wake up at dawn - zbudzić się o świcie
  2. set off at first light - wyruszyć o świcie
  3. farmers’ market setting up - targ rolniczy się rozkłada
  4. a variety of vegetables - różnorodność warzyw
  5. feeding the ducks - karmienie kaczek
  6. successful and enjoyable outing - udana i przyjemna wycieczka
  7. turn out - okazać się