W skrócie:

W czasie Present Perfect Continuous operatorami są "have been", "has been", a czasownik występuje w formie Present Participle - czyli jest to czasownik z końcówką "ing"

Zdań w Present Perfect Continuous używamy aby powiedzieć o tym, co działo się ciągle przez jakiś czas do teraz. 

I have been waiting for you here for an hour. - Czekam na Ciebie tutaj od godziny.











Więcej na temat ogólnej budowy każdego zdania dowiesz się tutaj.

budowa zdania twierdzącego:

   You     have been     watching     Peter since I came here 

budowa zdania pytającego:

  Have   you   been   watching   Peter since I came here   ?

Uwaga ! Zwróć uwagę, że operator jest rozdzielony. W zdaniach, gdzi eoperator składa się z dwóch lub więcej słów, zamieniamy z podmiotem tylko pierwsze słowo operatora.

budowa zdania przeczącego:

 You    haven't been  watching   Peter since I came here   .

"have not" = "haven't"


tabela odmiany zdania przez osoby

Zdanie twierdzące

Zdanie pytające

Zdanie przeczące

I have been writing this article for an hour. Have I been writing this article for an hour? I haven't been writing this article for an hour.
You have been writing this article for an hour. Have you been writing this article for an hour? You haven't been writing this article for an hour.
He has been writing this article for an hour. Has he been writing this article for an hour? He hasn't been writing this article for an hour.
She has been writing this article for an hour. Has she been writing this article for an hour? She hasn't been writing this article for an hour.
We have been writing this article for an hour. Have we been writing this article for an hour? We haven't been writing this article for an hour.
You have been writing this article for an hour. Have you been writing this article for an hour? You haven't been writing this article for an hour.
They have been writing this article for an hour. Have they been writing this article for an hour? They haven't been writing this article for an hour.


zastosowanie czasu Present Perfect Continuous:

Czas ten opisuje wydarzenie/czynność które działo się nieprzerwanie(przez jakiś czas/od jakiegoś czasu) do teraz.

Innymi słowy:  opisywana czynność rozpoczęła się w przeszłości, trwała nieprzerwanie i trwa do chwili obecnej,

"I have been writing this article for an hour." - piszę ten artykuł przez godzinę - do teraz

To znaczy, że godzinę temu zacząłem go pisać i nadal jestem w trakcie, lub właśnie kończę.

okoliczniki czasu:

for (two weeks...) - od (dwóch tygodni...) - po słówku for używamy okresu - an hour, 5 hours, three months, a long time, a short time, a moment 

I have been working for three hours without a break!

She has been already waiting for you for 3 days.

since (last Monday...) - od (zeszłego poniedziałku...)- po słówku since określamy punkt wczasie od którego ciągnie się dana czynność.

I have been watching Peter since he came here.

Marta has been working since 9 o'clock

already/yet – już

already używamy przed czasownikiem w zdaniach twierdzących i pytających

I have been already siting here for one hour. Have you already been waiting for me for so long?

 a yet na końcu zdania pytającego i przeczącego:

Have you been working long yet? No, I haven't been working so long yet.

lately – ostatnio

I've been working a lot lately.

recently – ostatnio 


przykłady różnych zdań


  1. She has been cooking dinner for the past hour.
  2. They have been finishing their homework since yesterday.
  3. He has been reading the book for a month.
  4. We have already been watching that movie.
  5. It has been raining all day.
  6. You have been cleaning the house for the last two hours.
  7. John has been painting the fence recently.
  8. Maria has been baking a cake since this morning.
  9. The dog has been eating its food for the last 10 minutes.
  10. My parents have been going on vacation every year.
  11. The teacher has been grading the tests since last week.
  12. The students have been completing the project lately.
  13. My friend has been moving to a new city recently.
  14. The cat has been catching mice since we moved here.
  15. The children have been going to bed earlier lately.
  16. The team has been winning games since the new coach arrived.
  17. She has been learning how to play the guitar for three years.
  18. He has been starting a new job every year.
  19. We have been planning a trip to the mountains for a year.
  20. They have been buying new houses for a year.
  21. The computer has been crashing a lot lately.
  22. The flowers have been blooming since earlier than usual.
  23. The chef has been preparing special dishes for the past week.
  24. I have been losing my keys often lately.
  25. He has been writing a novel for the past year.
  26. You have been making a great effort lately.
  27. The phone has already been ringing for 5 minutes.
  28. The baby has been falling asleep easily lately.
  29. The doctor has been examining patients since morning.
  30. The weather has been changing a lot recently.
  31. The birds have been flying away since earlier this year.
  32. The meeting has been starting on time recently.
  33. The guests have been leaving early lately.
  34. I have been forgetting the password lately.
  35. She has been taking beautiful photos recently.
  36. They have been renovating their kitchen for months.
  37. He has been repairing his bike since last week.
  38. We have been decorating the house for the party since yesterday.
  39. The sun has been setting later lately.
  40. The music has been playing lately.