Add - dodać

  1. Can you add more sugar to the recipe?
  2. Did you add your name to the list?
  3. Will you add a new feature to the app?
  4. How do you add a contact on your phone?
  5. Can you add some milk to my coffee?

Agree - zgadzać się

  1. Do you agree with the new policy?
  2. Did they agree to the terms and conditions?
  3. Can you agree to meet me at 5 PM?
  4. Does she agree with your decision?
  5. Will you agree to help us with the project?

Arrange - zorganizować

  1. Can you arrange a meeting for tomorrow?
  2. Did you arrange the flowers in the vase?
  3. Will they arrange the party decorations?
  4. How do you arrange your schedule?
  5. Can you arrange a taxi for me?

Arrive - przybyć

  1. What time did you arrive at the station?
  2. Will you arrive before dinner?
  3. Did they arrive safely from their trip?
  4. When do you expect to arrive at the airport?
  5. Can you call me when you arrive?

Become - stać się

  1. How did he become so successful?
  2. Can she become a doctor?
  3. What will you do when you become rich?
  4. Did he become a member of the club?
  5. How do you become a better speaker?

Begin - zaczynać

  1. What time does the show begin?
  2. Can you tell me when the meeting will begin?
  3. Did they begin their journey already?
  4. When do you plan to begin your studies?
  5. How does this movie begin?

Believe - wierzyć

  1. Do you believe in ghosts?
  2. Can you believe what she said?
  3. Does he believe in hard work?
  4. What makes you believe that story?
  5. Did they believe your explanation?

Borrow - pożyczać (od kogoś)

  1. Can I borrow a pen from you?
  2. Did you borrow a book from the library?
  3. How often do you borrow money from friends?
  4. Can she borrow your car for the weekend?
  5. Why did he borrow your phone?

Break - złamać

  1. Did you break the glass?
  2. How did you break your arm?
  3. Can you break a $50 bill?
  4. What happens if you break the rules?
  5. When did the car break down?

Bring - przynieść

  1. Can you bring me a glass of water?
  2. Did you bring the documents?
  3. Will you bring a friend to the party?
  4. What did she bring for lunch?
  5. Can he bring his dog to the office?

Call - dzwonić

  1. Can you call me later?
  2. Did he call you yesterday?
  3. When will she call her parents?
  4. Why didn't you call for help?
  5. Can you call the restaurant to make a reservation?

Call back - oddzwonić

  1. Can you call me back in an hour?
  2. Did she call you back?
  3. When will he call back?
  4. Why didn't they call back after the interview?
  5. Can you ask him to call me back?

Carry - nosić

  1. Can you carry this bag for me?
  2. How do you carry all those books?
  3. Did he carry the groceries inside?
  4. Will she carry the baby?
  5. Can you carry a tune?

Celebrate - świętować

  1. How do you plan to celebrate your birthday?
  2. Did they celebrate their anniversary?
  3. Will you celebrate with us?
  4. What do you usually do to celebrate?
  5. Can you help us celebrate our victory?

Come - przyjść

  1. Can you come to my party?
  2. When did she come home?
  3. Will he come to the meeting?
  4. How often do you come here?
  5. Did they come to the concert?

Collect - zbierać

  1. Do you collect stamps?
  2. How many coins did you collect?
  3. Did she collect her prize?
  4. Can you help me collect the papers?
  5. When will they collect the data?

Catch - złapać

  1. Can you catch the ball?
  2. Did you catch the bus this morning?
  3. How do you catch a cold?
  4. Did he catch any fish?
  5. Will she catch the thief?

Change - zmieniać

  1. Can you change the tire?
  2. How often do you change your password?
  3. Did they change their plans?
  4. Will you change your mind?
  5. What made you change your career?

Clean - czyścić

  1. Can you clean the kitchen?
  2. How do you clean a leather sofa?
  3. Did she clean her room?
  4. Will he clean the windows?
  5. When do you plan to clean the garage?

Climb - wspinać się

  1. Can you climb this mountain?
  2. Did they climb the stairs?
  3. How high can you climb?
  4. Will she climb the ladder?
  5. What made him climb the tree?

Close - zamykać

  1. Can you close the door?
  2. Did they close the shop early?
  3. What time does the bank close?
  4. Will you close the window?
  5. Why did he close his account?

Cry - płakać

  1. Why did she cry at the movie?
  2. Can you tell me why babies cry?
  3. Did he cry after the match?
  4. Will you cry at the wedding?
  5. How often do you cry?

Cut - ciąć

  1. Can you cut the cake?
  2. Did he cut his finger?
  3. How do you cut your hair?
  4. Will she cut the paper?
  5. Why did you cut the rope?

Decide - decydować

  1. When did you decide to move?
  2. How do you decide what to wear?
  3. Did they decide on the venue?
  4. Will he decide soon?
  5. What made you decide to quit?

End - kończyć

  1. When does the movie end?
  2. How did the story end?
  3. Did they end the meeting early?
  4. Will he end the project this week?
  5. Why did their friendship end?

Enter - wchodzić

  1. Can you enter the password?
  2. When did you enter the building?
  3. How do you enter the contest?
  4. Did they enter the room quietly?
  5. Will she enter the competition?

Fail - nie zdać

  1. Why did he fail the exam?
  2. Did you fail to complete the task?
  3. How often do students fail this test?
  4. Will she fail if she doesn't study?
  5. What happens if we fail?

Fall - upaść

  1. Did he fall off the ladder?
  2. How often do you fall when skating?
  3. Will the leaves fall soon?
  4. Why did she fall down?
  5. Can you tell me how to fall safely?

Feel - czuć

  1. How do you feel today?
  2. Did she feel better after resting?
  3. Can you feel the texture?
  4. Why does he feel sad?
  5. Will you feel the same way tomorrow?

Find - znaleźć

  1. Where did you find your keys?
  2. Can you find the solution?
  3. Did she find her lost dog?
  4. How do you find a job?
  5. Will they find the missing person?

Finish - kończyć

  1. When will you finish the book?
  2. Did they finish their homework?
  3. How do you finish a project on time?
  4. Will she finish the race?
  5. Why did he finish his meal so quickly?

Follow - podążać

  1. Can you follow these instructions?
  2. Did he follow the trail?
  3. How do you follow a healthy diet?
  4. Will they follow your lead?
  5. Why should we follow the rules?

Forget - zapominać

  1. Did you forget your password?
  2. How often do you forget names?
  3. Will she forget to call?
  4. Why did he forget the appointment?
  5. Can you forget the past?

Give - dać

  1. Can you give me a hand?
  2. Did she give you the gift?
  3. How do you give directions?
  4. Will he give a speech?
  5. Why did they give up?

Go - iść

  1. Can you go to the store?
  2. Did they go on vacation?
  3. How often do you go to the gym?
  4. Will she go with you?
  5. Why did he go home early?

Grow - rosnąć

  1. How do you grow tomatoes?
  2. Did he grow taller?
  3. Will the company grow this year?
  4. Why do plants grow towards the light?
  5. Can you grow a beard?

Happen - zdarzyć się

  1. What will happen next?
  2. Did the accident happen here?
  3. How did that happen?
  4. Why does this always happen to me?
  5. Can you explain what happened?

Hear - słyszeć

  1. Did you hear the news?
  2. Can you hear the music?
  3. How often do you hear from her?
  4. Will they hear the announcement?
  5. Why can't I hear you?

Help - pomagać

  1. Can you help me with this?
  2. Did she help you move?
  3. How do you help someone in need?
  4. Will he help us tomorrow?
  5. Why didn't they help?

Hit - uderzyć

  1. Did he hit the ball?
  2. Can you hit the target?
  3. Why did she hit him?
  4. How hard can you hit?
  5. Will they hit a home run?

Hold - trzymać

  1. Can you hold this for me?
  2. How long can you hold your breath?
  3. Did she hold the baby?
  4. Will he hold the door open?
  5. Why did they hold hands?

Hope - mieć nadzieję

  1. Do you hope for the best?
  2. Did she hope to win?
  3. What do you hope to achieve?
  4. Will he hope for a miracle?
  5. Can you tell me what you hope for?

Improve - poprawiać

  1. How can you improve your skills?
  2. Did he improve his grades?
  3. Will they improve the system?
  4. Why should we improve our processes?
  5. Can she improve her performance?

Introduce - przedstawiać

  1. Can you introduce me to your friend?
  2. How do you introduce yourself in an interview?
  3. Did they introduce the new product?
  4. Will he introduce the speaker?
  5. Why did she introduce that topic?

Keep - trzymać

  1. Can you keep a secret?
  2. How do you keep your room clean?
  3. Did he keep his promise?
  4. Will she keep the puppy?
  5. Why do they keep arguing?

Kill - zabić

  1. Why did he kill the spider?
  2. Did the movie character kill the villain?
  3. How do you kill time?
  4. Will pesticides kill the insects?
  5. Can you kill a plant by overwatering?

Kiss - całować

  1. Did they kiss at midnight?
  2. Can you kiss me goodbye?
  3. How often do you kiss your partner?
  4. Will she kiss the baby?
  5. Why did he kiss her hand?

Know - wiedzieć

  1. Do you know the answer?
  2. How do you know him?
  3. Did they know about the event?
  4. Will she know what to do?
  5. Why didn't he know the rules?

Laugh - śmiać się

  1. What makes you laugh?
  2. Did she laugh at the joke?
  3. How often do you laugh out loud?
  4. Will he laugh at the movie?
  5. Why do they laugh at me?

Learn - uczyć się

  1. What did you learn in school?
  2. How do you learn new languages?
  3. Did he learn to swim?
  4. Will she learn from her mistakes?
  5. Why do we need to learn history?

Leave - opuszczać

  1. When will you leave for work?
  2. Did she leave the party early?
  3. Why did he leave the door open?
  4. Can you leave a message?
  5. How often do they leave the country?

Lend - pożyczać (komuś)

  1. Can you lend me a book?
  2. Did he lend her some money?
  3. Will you lend your car to him?
  4. Why did she lend her phone to a stranger?
  5. How often do you lend your things?

Look at - patrzeć na

  1. Can you look at this document?
  2. Did you look at the stars last night?
  3. How often do you look at your phone?
  4. Will she look at my homework?
  5. Why do they look at me strangely?

Look after - opiekować się

  1. Can you look after my cat?
  2. Did she look after her younger brother?
  3. How do you look after a garden?
  4. Will he look after the kids?
  5. Why do they look after each other?

Look for - szukać

  1. What are you looking for?
  2. Did he look for his keys?
  3. How do you look for a job?
  4. Will she look for a new apartment?
  5. Why do they look for bargains?

Look like - wyglądać jak

  1. Who does she look like?
  2. Do you look like your mother?
  3. What does the cake look like?
  4. Did he look like a celebrity?
  5. Why does it look like it's going to rain?

Lose - tracić

  1. Did you lose your wallet?
  2. How often do you lose your keys?
  3. Will they lose the game?
  4. Why did she lose her job?
  5. Can you lose weight by walking?

Miss - tęsknić

  1. Do you miss your hometown?
  2. Did he miss the bus?
  3. How much do you miss her?
  4. Will she miss the meeting?
  5. Why did they miss the deadline?

Mix - mieszać

  1. Can you mix these ingredients?
  2. Did she mix the colors?
  3. How do you mix the batter?
  4. Will he mix the drinks?
  5. Why did they mix up the dates?

Move - ruszać się

  1. Can you move to the left?
  2. Did they move to a new house?
  3. How often do you move around?
  4. Will she move the furniture?
  5. Why did he move to another city?

Need - potrzebować

  1. Do you need any help?
  2. Did she need a ride?
  3. How much money do you need?
  4. Will he need a new passport?
  5. Why do we need to sleep?

Notice - zauważyć

  1. Did you notice the mistake?
  2. How often do you notice small details?
  3. Can you notice any difference?
  4. Will they notice if I'm late?
  5. Why did she notice the change?

Offer - oferować

  1. Can you offer a discount?
  2. Did they offer you the job?
  3. What services do you offer?
  4. Will he offer to help?
  5. Why did she offer her assistance?

Open - otwierać

  1. Can you open the window?
  2. Did they open the store?
  3. How do you open this bottle?
  4. Will she open the gift?
  5. Why did he open the door?

Organize - organizować

  1. Who is going to organize the event?
  2. Can you help me organize the files?
  3. How do you usually organize your schedule?
  4. Did they organize the party well?
  5. When will we organize the next meeting?

Paint - malować

  1. Do you want to paint the living room this weekend?
  2. What colors did you use to paint your picture?
  3. Can you paint the fence by yourself?
  4. How long does it take to paint a house?
  5. Did she paint the entire mural alone?

Pass - zdawać

  1. Did you pass the driving test on your first try?
  2. How many students pass the exam each year?
  3. Will he pass the message to everyone?
  4. What do I need to do to pass the course?
  5. Did she pass the entrance exam?

Prepare - przygotowywać

  1. How do you prepare for a big presentation?
  2. Did he prepare dinner by himself?
  3. What should I prepare for the trip?
  4. Can you help me prepare the documents?
  5. How long does it take to prepare this dish?

Pull - ciągnąć

  1. Can you pull the door open?
  2. Did he pull the rope correctly?
  3. Why do you always pull instead of push?
  4. How hard do you need to pull to start the engine?
  5. Did the team pull together to finish the project?

Put - kłaść

  1. Where did you put the keys?
  2. Can you put the book back on the shelf?
  3. Why did she put the laptop on the floor?
  4. Did he put enough effort into his work?
  5. Can I put this in your bag?

Reach - osiągnąć

  1. Did you reach your goal for the year?
  2. How can I reach customer support?
  3. When will we reach the destination?
  4. Did she reach the top of the mountain?
  5. Can you reach that shelf without a ladder?

Receive - otrzymać

  1. Did you receive my email?
  2. How many packages did you receive today?
  3. When will she receive her diploma?
  4. Can I receive the payment in cash?
  5. Did he receive the award for his work?

Record - nagrywać

  1. Did you record the meeting?
  2. How do you record your podcast?
  3. Can you record the concert for me?
  4. When will they record the new album?
  5. Did she record her speech?

Remember - pamiętać

  1. Do you remember our first trip together?
  2. Can you remember where you put the keys?
  3. How do you remember all these facts?
  4. Did she remember to lock the door?
  5. Will you remember to call me tomorrow?

Repair - naprawiać

  1. Can you repair this broken chair?
  2. How long did it take to repair the car?
  3. Did he repair the computer himself?
  4. Who can repair the leaky faucet?
  5. Is it expensive to repair a smartphone?

Return - wracać

  1. When will you return from your trip?
  2. Did she return the book to the library?
  3. How can I return this item?
  4. Why did he return so early?
  5. Can you return the favor?

Run - biegać

  1. Do you run every morning?
  2. How fast can he run a mile?
  3. Did they run the marathon last year?
  4. Can you run faster than me?
  5. Where do you usually run?

Say - mówić

  1. What did she say about the project?
  2. Can you say that again?
  3. Did he say anything important?
  4. How do you say "thank you" in Spanish?
  5. Why didn't you say something earlier?

See - widzieć

  1. Can you see the mountains from here?
  2. Did you see the movie last night?
  3. How often do you see your friends?
  4. What do you see in this picture?
  5. Can she see well without glasses?

Send - wysyłać

  1. Did you send the package yesterday?
  2. Can you send me the details?
  3. How do you send a large file?
  4. When will they send the invitation?
  5. Did he send you a message?

Share - dzielić

  1. Can you share your notes with me?
  2. Did they share the news with everyone?
  3. How do you share files online?
  4. Will you share your dessert with me?
  5. Why didn't he share the information?

Shout - krzyczeć

  1. Why did she shout at him?
  2. Can you hear me if I shout from here?
  3. Did he shout for help?
  4. What did you shout during the game?
  5. Can you shout louder?

Show - pokazywać

  1. Can you show me how to do this?
  2. Did she show you the photos?
  3. When will he show his new artwork?
  4. How did they show their appreciation?
  5. Can you show us the way?

Spend - spędzać

  1. How do you spend your weekends?
  2. Did she spend a lot of money?
  3. Where did they spend their vacation?
  4. Can you spend some time with me?
  5. How long did he spend on that project?

Sit - siedzieć

  1. Can you sit here for a moment?
  2. Did he sit next to you?
  3. Why did she sit on the floor?
  4. Where do you usually sit in class?
  5. Can we sit outside?

Sleep - spać

  1. How many hours do you sleep each night?
  2. Did you sleep well?
  3. Where will they sleep tonight?
  4. Can he sleep on the couch?
  5. Why can't you sleep?

Smoke - palić

  1. Do you smoke cigarettes?
  2. How often does he smoke?
  3. Did she smoke in the house?
  4. Why do people smoke?
  5. Can you smoke in this area?

Start - zaczynać

  1. When does the movie start?
  2. Did he start the engine?
  3. How do you start this machine?
  4. Can you start working on the project?
  5. What time do you start your day?

Stop - zatrzymywać

  1. Can you stop the car here?
  2. Did he stop smoking?
  3. When will they stop the noise?
  4. How do you stop this process?
  5. Why did she stop talking?

Steal - kraść

  1. Did someone steal your bike?
  2. Why would he steal from the store?
  3. Can you believe she tried to steal the painting?
  4. What did they steal from the museum?
  5. How did he steal the information?

Teach - uczyć (kogoś)

  1. Can you teach me how to swim?
  2. Did she teach the class today?
  3. What subject do you teach?
  4. How long have you been teaching?
  5. Can you teach him to play the guitar?

Tell - powiedzieć

  1. Can you tell me the truth?
  2. What did she tell you?
  3. Did he tell you the news?
  4. How do you tell someone bad news?
  5. Can you tell a good joke?

Think - myśleć

  1. What do you think about this idea?
  2. Did you think he would come?
  3. How often do you think about the future?
  4. Can you think of a solution?
  5. Why do you think that?

Try - próbować

  1. Did you try the new restaurant?
  2. Can you try to solve this problem?
  3. What are you trying to say?
  4. How many times did she try?
  5. Will you try again tomorrow?

Understand - rozumieć

  1. Do you understand the instructions?
  2. How well does she understand English?
  3. Can you understand what he's saying?
  4. Did they understand the rules?
  5. Why don't you understand this concept?

Use - używać

  1. Can you use this tool?
  2. How do you use this software?
  3. Did he use the correct method?
  4. Why do you use that brand?
  5. Can I use your phone?

Wait (for) - czekać (na)

  1. How long did you wait for the bus?
  2. Can you wait here for a moment?
  3. Did she wait for you after class?
  4. Why do you wait so long to respond?
  5. Will they wait for the announcement?

Wake up - budzić się

  1. What time do you wake up every day?
  2. Did he wake up early today?
  3. Can you wake up without an alarm?
  4. Why did she wake up in the middle of the night?
  5. How do you feel when you wake up?

Walk - chodzić

  1. Do you walk to work?
  2. How often does he walk his dog?
  3. Did they walk through the park?
  4. Can you walk 10 miles?
  5. Where do you like to walk?

Want - chcieć

  1. What do you want for dinner?
  2. Did she want to come with us?
  3. Why do you want to leave early?
  4. Can he tell us what he wants?
  5. Do they want more information?

Wash - myć

  1. Do you wash your hands before eating?
  2. How often do you wash your car?
  3. Did she wash the dishes?
  4. Can you wash the windows?
  5. Why did he wash his clothes today?

Watch - oglądać

  1. What did you watch on TV last night?
  2. Do you watch movies often?
  3. Can we watch the game together?
  4. Did he watch the entire series?
  5. Why do you watch the news every morning?

Win - wygrywać

  1. Did they win the match?
  2. How can you win the competition?
  3. Who will win the election?
  4. Did she win a prize?
  5. Can he win against them?

Worry - martwić się

  1. Do you worry about the future?
  2. Why did she worry so much?
  3. Can you stop worrying for a moment?
  4. Did they worry about the results?
  5. What makes you worry the most?