Do opisu obrazka używamy czasu teraźniejszego ciągłego, czyli czasu Present Continuous, aby opis obrazka był bardziej interesujący, uczniowie powinni używać słów i fraz opisujących to, co dzieje się w określonym miejscu na obrazku.
Wskaż myszką słowo lub zdanie by zobaczyć podpowiedź.
Kropki na końcu zdania zastąpiłem dużym czarnym kwadratem. Wskaż go myszką by zobaczyć tłumaczenie całego zdania.
In the photo, we see a scene from a dental office█ The central figure is a patient sitting in a modern dental chair, with her head slightly leaned back█ Her facial expression suggests that she is calm█ She is wearing a protective cloth around her neck█ A dentist is standing next to the patient█ He is dressed in a white coat, protective mask, and gloves█ The dentist is holding a dental tool in her hand, examining the patient teeth█
In the background, part of the well-equipped dental office is visible█ Bright light illuminates the space█ Cabinets and different dental instruments can be seen, marking the professional and hygienic working space█ The entire scene is calm and professional, suggesting that the patient is in good hands and the procedure is continued smoothly█
What do we see in the photo?
Who is the central figure in the photo?
What is the patient doing in the photo?
What does the patient's facial expression suggest?
What is the patient wearing around her neck?
Who is standing next to the patient in the photo?
What is the dentist wearing?
What is the dentist holding in his hand?
What is the dentist doing in the photo?
What is visible in the background of the photo?
What illuminates the space in the dental office?
What can be seen in the background besides the dental office?
What does the scene suggest about the patient's situation?
How is the scene described in terms of atmosphere?
How is the procedure being carried out according to the article?