Anna had always been the sensible one in her group of friends, but when she met Mark, she
fell head over heels in love. It was unexpected, and she found herself daydreaming about him constantly. Her friends warned her to be careful, but she couldn’t help it. She had truly lost her head over him.
At first, everything was perfect. They spent every moment they could together, sharing stories, laughter, and dreams. But soon, life’s challenges began to creep in. Mark lost his job, and suddenly, they were struggling to keep their heads above water financially. The stress began to take its toll on their relationship.
One day, while they were discussing their finances, Mark received a heads up from his friend about a job opening. It was a small ray of hope in their otherwise challenging situation. Mark applied for the job, and after a tense week, he got it. They both sighed in relief, feeling like they could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Despite the challenges, Anna and Mark’s love remained strong. They learned to face their problems together, and this made their bond even stronger. Anna knew that, no matter what happened, she would never regret falling head over heels for Mark.
List of Idioms with Translations:
- Head over heels - zakochany po uszy
- Keep your head above water - utrzymać się na powierzchni
- Lose your head - stracić głowę
- Heads up - uwaga!
List of Difficult Words with Translations:
- Sensible - rozsądny
- Daydreaming - marzenie na jawie
- Unexpected - nieoczekiwany
- Constantly - ciągle
- Challenges - wyzwania
- Financially - finansowo
- Stress - stres
- Discussing - dyskutowanie
- Opening - otwarcie (w kontekście oferty pracy)
- Tense - napięty
- Relief - ulga
- Bond - więź
- Regret - żałować
List of Difficult Phrases with Translations:
- Daydreaming about him constantly - ciągle o nim marzyła
- It was unexpected - to było nieoczekiwane
- Life’s challenges began to creep in - życiowe wyzwania zaczęły się wkradać
- Take its toll on their relationship - odbić się na ich związku
- A small ray of hope - mały promyk nadziei
- Light at the end of the tunnel - światło na końcu tunelu
- Remain strong - pozostać silnym
- Face their problems together - stawić czoła problemom razem
Comprehension Questions:
- Who was the sensible one in her group of friends?
- How did Anna feel when she met Mark?
- What did Anna's friends warn her about?
- What happened to Mark's job?
- How did the loss of Mark's job affect their relationship?
- What did Mark receive from his friend?
- How did Anna and Mark feel after Mark got the new job?
- What did Anna and Mark learn to do together?
- Did Anna regret falling in love with Mark?
- How did Anna and Mark's love change over time?
- What was Anna constantly doing after meeting Mark?
- What began to creep into their lives, causing stress?
- How did the financial struggle affect Anna and Mark's relationship?
- What was the friend’s heads up about?
- How did Mark react to the job opening?
- What was the reaction after Mark got the job?
- What did Anna realize about her relationship with Mark?
- How did they handle life's challenges?
- What remained strong despite their struggles?
- What did Anna never regret?
Other Idioms with "Head":
- Head in the clouds - bujać w obłokach
- Head over heels - zakochany po uszy
- Bite someone’s head off - naskoczyć na kogoś
- Go to someone’s head - uderzyć komuś do głowy
- Heads will roll - polecą głowy
- Keep a level head - zachować zimną krew
- Laugh your head off - śmiać się do rozpuku
- Make head or tail of - zrozumieć coś
- Off the top of your head - bez zastanowienia
- Out of your head - postradać zmysły