Daily Life of Agnes
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Agnes is a young woman ☻ She lives in a small town . ☻ Every day , she wakes up at 7 AM . ☻ She eats breakfast and drinks coffee . ☻ After breakfast , she goes to work . ☻ She works in a bookstore . ☻ Agnes loves books . ☻ She likes to help customers find books . ☻
At noon , Agnes eats lunch with her friend , Mary . ☻ They eat sandwiches and talk about their day . ☻ After lunch , Agnes returns to the bookstore . ☻ She organizes books and makes sure the store is clean . ☻ She enjoys her work because she loves to read . ☻
In the evening , Agnes goes home . ☻ She cooks dinner and watches TV . ☻ Sometimes , she reads a book before bed . ☻ At 10 PM , she goes to sleep . ☻ Agnes has a simple but happy life . ☻ She loves her town , her friends , and her books . ☻
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- Who is Agnes?
- Where does Agnes live?
- What time does Agnes wake up every day?
- What does Agnes do after she wakes up?
- What does Agnes do after breakfast?
- Where does Agnes work?
- What does Agnes love?
- What does Agnes like to do at work?
- Who does Agnes eat lunch with?
- What do Agnes and Mary eat for lunch?
- What do Agnes and Mary talk about during lunch?
- Where does Agnes go after lunch?
- What does Agnes do in the bookstore in the afternoon?
- Why does Agnes enjoy her work?
- Where does Agnes go in the evening?
- What does Agnes do after she goes home?
- What does Agnes sometimes do before bed?
- What time does Agnes go to sleep?
- How would you describe Agnes' life?
- What are the things Agnes loves?