Daily Life of Agnes



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Agnes is a young woman   She lives in a small town . Every day , she wakes up at 7 AM . She eats breakfast and drinks coffee . After breakfast , she goes to work . She works in a bookstore . Agnes loves books . She likes to help customers find books .

At noon , Agnes eats lunch with her friend , Mary .   They eat sandwiches and talk about their day .   After lunch , Agnes returns to the bookstore .   She organizes books and makes sure the store is clean .   She enjoys her work because she loves to read .

In the evening , Agnes goes home .   She cooks dinner and watches TV .   Sometimes , she reads a book before bed .   At 10 PM , she goes to sleep .   Agnes has a simple but happy life .   She loves her town , her friends , and her books .


Odpowiedz na pytania i sprawdź czy rozumiesz tekst. Podpowiedzi znajdziesz w wyskakujących dymkach

  1. Who is Agnes?
  2. Where does Agnes live?
  3. What time does Agnes wake up every day?
  4. What does Agnes do after she wakes up?
  5. What does Agnes do after breakfast?
  6. Where does Agnes work?
  7. What does Agnes love?
  8. What does Agnes like to do at work?
  9. Who does Agnes eat lunch with?
  10. What do Agnes and Mary eat for lunch?
  11. What do Agnes and Mary talk about during lunch?
  12. Where does Agnes go after lunch?
  13. What does Agnes do in the bookstore in the afternoon?
  14. Why does Agnes enjoy her work?
  15. Where does Agnes go in the evening?
  16. What does Agnes do after she goes home?
  17. What does Agnes sometimes do before bed?
  18. What time does Agnes go to sleep?
  19. How would you describe Agnes' life?
  20. What are the things Agnes loves?