A Hitchhiking Adventure of Two Young Girls (Past Simple) 

Anna and Maria are best friends They are both 19 years and love to travel

One summer, they decided to go on a special trip They wanted to try something new and exciting, so they chose to hitchhike

Anna and Maria packed their backpacks with clothes, food, and water They also took a map and a tent They left their small town on a sunny morning They stood by the side of the road and held a sign that said 'Adventure'

At first, they were a little nervous They did not know if anyone would stop for them But soon, a kind man in a blue car stopped and offered them a ride He was going to the next town, which was perfect for Anna and Maria

During the ride, the man told them many stories about his own travels Anna and Maria listened carefully and felt excited about their journey After a few hours, they arrived at the next town They thanked the man and continued their trip

They walked to the next road and waited for another car This time, a family in a big van stopped The family was very friendly and offered Anna and Maria some food and drinks They all laughed and talked during the ride

As days passed, Anna and Maria met many interesting people They rode in different cars, trucks, and even a motorcycle Each person they met had a unique story to tell Anna and Maria learned a lot about different places and cultures

At night, they found safe places to set up their tent They cooked simple meals and enjoyed the beautiful stars in the sky They felt happy and free

After two weeks, their adventure came to an end They returned home with many wonderful memories Anna and Maria felt proud of themselves They had traveled far and met many kind people Their hitchhiking trip was a big success

Anna and Maria knew that always would remember this special adventure They promised each other to go on more trips in the future This experience taught them that the world is full friendly and helpful people





  1. about: about, /əˈbaʊt/, przyimek, o
  2. adventure: adventure, /ədˈven.tʃər/, rzeczownik, przygoda
  3. also: also, /ˈɔːl.səʊ/, przysłówek, również
  4. another: another, /əˈnʌð.ər/, przymiotnik, kolejny
  5. arrive: arrive, [czasow. regularny], /əˈraɪv/, czasownik, przybyć
  6. both: both, /bəʊθ/, przysłówek, obydwoje
  7. carefully: carefully, /ˈkeə.fəl.i/, przysłówek, uważnie
  8. chose: choose, [czasow. nieregularny], /tʃuːz/, chose /tʃoʊz/, chosen /ˈtʃoʊ.zən/, czasownik, wybierać
  9. clothes: clothes, /kləʊðz/, rzeczownik, ubrania
  10. continue: continue, [czasow. regularny], /kənˈtɪn.juː/, czasownik, kontynuować
  11. cook: cook, [czasow. regularny], /kʊk/, czasownik, gotować
  12. decided: decide, [czasow. regularny], /dɪˈsaɪd/, czasownik, decydować
  13. different: different, /ˈdɪf.ər.ənt/, przymiotnik, różny
  14. drinks: drink, /drɪŋk/, rzeczownik, napój
  15. during: during, /ˈdjʊə.rɪŋ/, przyimek, podczas
  16. each: each, /iːtʃ/, zaimek, każdy
  17. even: even, /ˈiː.vən/, przysłówek, nawet
  18. excited: excited, /ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd/, przymiotnik, podekscytowany
  19. exciting: exciting, /ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪŋ/, przymiotnik, ekscytujący
  20. far: far, /fɑːr/, przysłówek, daleko
  21. felt: feel, [czasow. nieregularny], /fiːl/, felt /felt/, felt /felt/, czasownik, czuć
  22. food: food, /fuːd/, rzeczownik, jedzenie
  23. friends: best friend, /bɛst frɛnd/, rzeczownik, najlepszy przyjaciel
  24. friendly: friendly, /ˈfrend.li/, przymiotnik, przyjazny
  25. going: go, [czasow. nieregularny], /ɡəʊ/, went /went/, gone /ɡɒn/, czasownik, iść
  26. happy: happy, /ˈhæp.i/, przymiotnik, szczęśliwy
  27. held: hold, [czasow. nieregularny], /həʊld/, held /held/, held /held/, czasownik, trzymać
  28. hitchhike: hitchhike, [czasow. regularny], /ˈhɪtʃ.haɪk/, czasownik, jechać autostopem
  29. hours: hour, /aʊər/, rzeczownik, godzina
  30. journey: journey, /ˈdʒɜː.ni/, rzeczownik, podróż
  31. kind: kind, /kaɪnd/, przymiotnik, życzliwy
  32. knew: know, [czasow. nieregularny], /nəʊ/, knew /njuː/, known /nəʊn/, czasownik, wiedzieć
  33. laughed: laugh, [czasow. regularny], /lɑːf/, czasownik, śmiać się
  34. learned: learn, [czasow. regularny], /lɜːn/, czasownik, uczyć się
  35. left: leave, [czasow. nieregularny], /liːv/, left /left/, left /left/, czasownik, opuszczać
  36. listened: listen, [czasow. regularny], /ˈlɪs.ən/, czasownik, słuchać
  37. many: many, /ˈmen.i/, przymiotnik, wiele
  38. meals: meal, /mɪəl/, rzeczownik, posiłek
  39. met: meet, [czasow. nieregularny], /miːt/, met /met/, met /met/, czasownik, spotykać
  40. morning: morning, /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ/, rzeczownik, ranek
  41. new: new, /njuː/, przymiotnik, nowy
  42. offered: offer, [czasow. regularny], /ˈɒf.ər/, czasownik, oferować
  43. own: own, /əʊn/, przymiotnik, własny
  44. packed: pack, [czasow. regularny], /pæk/, czasownik, pakować
  45. people: people, /ˈpiː.pəl/, rzeczownik, ludzie
  46. proud: proud, /praʊd/, przymiotnik, dumny
  47. ride: ride, /raɪd/, rzeczownik, przejażdżka
  48. rode: ride, [czasow. nieregularny], /raɪd/, rode /rəʊd/, ridden /ˈrɪd.ən/, czasownik, jeździć
  49. said: say, [czasow. nieregularny], /seɪ/, said /sed/, said /sed/, czasownik, mówić
  50. safe: safe, /seɪf/, przymiotnik, bezpieczny
  51. sign: sign, /saɪn/, rzeczownik, znak
  52. simple: simple, /ˈsɪm.pəl/, przymiotnik, prosty
  53. something: something, /ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/, zaimek, coś
  54. soon: soon, /suːn/, przysłówek, wkrótce
  55. stories: story, /ˈstɔː.ri/, rzeczownik, historia
  56. stood: stand, [czasow. nieregularny], /stænd/, stood /stʊd/, stood /stʊd/, czasownik, stać
  57. summer: summer, /ˈsʌm.ər/, rzeczownik, lato
  58. tent: tent, /tent/, rzeczownik, namiot
  59. thank: thank, [czasow. regularny], /θæŋk/, czasownik, dziękować
  60. themselves: themselves, /ðəmˈselvz/, zaimek, siebie
  61. taught: teach, [czasow. nieregularny], /tiːtʃ/, taught /tɔːt/, taught /tɔːt/, czasownik, nauczyć
  62. told: tell, [czasow. nieregularny], /tel/, told /təʊld/, told /təʊld/, czasownik, mówić
  63. took: take, [czasow. nieregularny], /teɪk/, took /tʊk/, taken /ˈteɪ.kən/, czasownik, brać
  64. travel: travel, [czasow. regularny], /ˈtræv.əl/, czasownik, podróżować
  65. travels: travel, /ˈtræv.əl/, rzeczownik, podróż
  66. trip: trip, /trɪp/, rzeczownik, wycieczka
  67. waited: wait, [czasow. regularny], /weɪt/, czasownik, czekać
  68. wanted: want, [czasow. regularny], /wɒnt/, czasownik, chcieć
  69. weeks: week, /wiːk/, rzeczownik, tydzień
  70. which: which, /wɪtʃ/, zaimek, który

1. Who are the main characters in the article?
2. What is the relationship between Anna and Maria?
3. How old are Anna and Maria?
4. What do Anna and Maria love to do?
5. What did Anna and Maria decide to do one summer?
6. Why did they choose to go on a special trip?
7. How did Anna and Maria decide to travel?
8. What did Anna and Maria pack for their trip?
9. When and where did Anna and Maria start their trip?
10. What did Anna and Maria do to get a ride?
11. How did Anna and Maria feel at the beginning of their trip?
12. Who stopped to give Anna and Maria their first ride?
13. Where was the man in the blue car going?
14. What did the man in the blue car talk about during the ride?
15. Where did Anna and Maria arrive after the ride with the man?
16. What did Anna and Maria do after arriving in the next town?
17. Who stopped to give Anna and Maria a ride the second time?
18. How did the family in the van treat Anna and Maria?
19. What did Anna and Maria do with the family during the ride?
20. What happened as the days passed?
21. What types of vehicles did Anna and Maria ride in during their trip?
22. What was special about the people Anna and Maria met?
23. What did Anna and Maria learn during their trip?
24. Where did Anna and Maria stay at night?
25. What did Anna and Maria do at night?
26. How did Anna and Maria feel during their trip?
27. When did Anna and Maria's adventure end?
28. What did Anna and Maria return home with?
29. How did Anna and Maria feel about their adventure?
30. What did Anna and Maria promise each other at the end of the article?