Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a kind woman named Victoria. She had a knack for helping those in need and was known for extending a helping hand to everyone.
One day, a stray dog appeared at her door. It was hungry, scared, and had a limp. Victoria took the dog in, fed it, and nursed it back to health.
The dog and Victoria soon became inseparable. They would walk through the village hand in hand, or rather, with the dog trotting happily beside her. The villagers would often comment on how well the dog had recovered and how happy it seemed. They knew it was in good hands with Victoria.
However, as time went on, the dog started to become possessive and aggressive towards others. It seemed to have forgotten how Victoria had saved it. One day, it snapped at a villager who tried to pet it. Victoria was shocked and saddened by the dog's behavior. She realized that it had begun to bite the hand that fed it.
Despite this, Victoria didn't give up on the dog. She believed that with patience and love, the dog could change. She continued to care for it, hoping that one day it would remember the kindness she had shown and become gentle once again.
List of idioms with translations:
- Bite the hand that feeds you - gryźć rękę, która cię karmi
- In good hands - w dobrych rękach
- Hand in hand - ręka w rękę
- A helping hand - pomocna dłoń
Lista trudniejszych słówek z tłumaczeniem:
- knack - wprawa
- inseparable - nierozłączny
- trotting - kłusujący
- comment - komentować
- possessive - zaborczy
- aggressive - agresywny
- snapped - warknął (na kogoś)
- shocked - wstrząśnięty
- saddened - zasmucony
- behavior - zachowanie
- patience - cierpliwość
- realise - zauważyć
List of difficult phrases with translations:
- extend a helping hand - wyciągnąć pomocną dłoń
- nursed it back to health - opiekować się, aż wyzdrowieje
- trotting happily beside her - kłusując radośnie obok niej
- forgotten how Victoria had saved it - zapomniał, jak Victoria go uratowała
- become possessive and aggressive - stał się zaborczy i agresywny
- snapped at a villager - warknął na wieśniaka
- with patience and love - z cierpliwością i miłością
Questions for comprehension:
- Who was Victoria?
- What was Victoria known for in the village?
- What did Victoria find at her door one day?
- How did Victoria help the stray dog?
- How did the villagers react to the dog's recovery?
- What does the idiom "a helping hand" mean in the context of the story?
- What change occurred in the dog's behavior over time?
- Why was Victoria shocked and saddened by the dog's behavior?
- How did the villagers describe the dog after it recovered?
- What does the idiom "bite the hand that feeds you" mean in the context of the story?
- What did Victoria hope for the dog despite its aggressive behavior?
- How did Victoria feel about the dog's chances of changing?
- What does the idiom "in good hands" refer to in the story?
- How did Victoria and the dog walk through the village?
- What does the idiom "hand in hand" signify in this story?
- What lesson did Victoria hope to teach the dog?
- What qualities did Victoria believe were important in caring for the dog?
- How did the dog's behavior contrast with Victoria's expectations?
- What was the villagers' perception of Victoria's relationship with the dog?
- How does the story reflect the concept of forgiveness and patience?
Inne idiomy angielskie odnoszące się do "hand"
- Give a hand - pomóc komuś
- On the other hand - z drugiej strony
- Take matters into your own hands - wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce
- Hands down - bez dwóch zdań, zdecydowanie
- Hands off - ręce precz
- Have your hands full - mieć ręce pełne roboty
- Show of hands - podniesienie rąk (głosowanie)
- First-hand - z pierwszej ręki
- Second-hand - z drugiej ręki
- At hand - pod ręką, w pobliżu
- Out of hand - poza kontrolą
- Wash your hands of something - umywać ręce od czegoś
- Hand in - oddać coś (np. zadanie, dokument)
- Hand it to someone - przyznać komuś coś, uznać czyjeś zasługi
- Hand over fist - bardzo szybko (najczęściej w kontekście zarabiania pieniędzy)
- Lend a hand - pożyczyć komuś rękę, pomóc
- Upper hand - przewaga, kontrola
- Hand-to-hand - walka wręcz
- Hand-me-down - używany, przechodni (najczęściej ubranie)
- Hand in glove - ściśle współpracować, być za pan brat
- Hands on - praktyczny, angażujący
- Hands tied - mieć związane ręce, nie móc nic zrobić
- Hand of fate - ręka losu
- Hand over - przekazać coś komuś
- Hand out - rozdawać, wydawać
- Hands up - ręce do góry (najczęściej w kontekście policji lub głosowania)