Susan was sitting in the bustling café when a stranger walked in. His presence immediately caught her eye. He seemed out of place in his impeccable suit amidst the casual crowd.
She watched as he ordered a coffee and sat by the window, his gaze wandering the street.
Susan's curiosity got the better of her. She had always been a bit of a people watcher, but something about this man intrigued her more than usual. She tried to turn a blind eye to her curiosity and focus on her book, but it was impossible. Her thoughts kept drifting back to him.
Suddenly, there was a commotion outside. In the blink of an eye, the stranger sprang up and dashed out of the café. Susan, driven by an inexplicable urge, followed him. She saw him confront a pickpocket who had just stolen an elderly woman's handbag. It was a case of eye for an eye, but with a twist of justice rather than revenge. The stranger returned the purse to the grateful woman and slipped back into the café as if nothing had happened.
Susan couldn't help but smile. She realized that sometimes, life presents moments that you can't ignore. She decided to approach the stranger and introduce herself. Maybe, just maybe, she could unravel the mystery behind the man who had so effortlessly caught her eye.
Lista idiomów użytych w opowiadaniu:
- Catch someone's eye - przykuć czyjś wzrok
- Turn a blind eye - przymykać oko
- Eye for an eye - oko za oko
- In the blink of an eye - w mgnieniu oka
- got the better of her - wzięłą nad nią górę.
Lista trudniejszych słówek i zwrotów
- Bustling - tętniący życiem
- Stranger - nieznajomy
- Impeccable - nienaganny
- amidst - pośród
- Casual - swobodny
- Gaze - spojrzenie
- Curiosity - ciekawość
- Commotion - zamieszanie
- Confront - skonfrontować
- Pickpocket - kieszonkowiec
- purse, handbag - torebka
- Grateful - wdzięczny
- slip - wślizgnąć się
- Inexplicable - niewytłumaczalny
- Justice - sprawiedliwość
- Out of place - nie na miejscu
- Impeccable suit - nienaganny garnitur
- In the blink of an eye - w mgnieniu oka
- dash out - wybiec nagle pędem
- Driven by an inexplicable urge - kierowany niewytłumaczalnym impulsem
- Twist of justice - zwrot sprawiedliwości
- Slip back - wrócić niezauważonym
Odpowiedz na pytania:
- Where was Susan sitting at the beginning of the story?
- What immediately caught Susan's eye when the stranger walked in?
- How was the stranger dressed compared to the rest of the café's patrons?
- What did Susan try to do with her curiosity about the stranger?
- What caused a commotion outside the café?
- How did the stranger react to the commotion?
- What did the stranger do with the elderly woman's purse?
- How did the stranger return to the café after confronting the pickpocket?
- What realization did Susan come to after witnessing the stranger's actions?
- What did Susan decide to do after seeing the stranger's actions?
- Why did Susan find the stranger intriguing?
- What did the elderly woman lose to the pickpocket?
- How did the stranger manage to catch the pickpocket?
- What was Susan's initial reaction to the stranger's presence?
- What did the stranger's actions reveal about his character?
- How did the café's atmosphere contrast with the stranger's appearance?
- What was Susan doing before the stranger caught her eye?
- How did the stranger's actions impact the elderly woman?
- Why did Susan smile after the stranger returned the purse?
- What might Susan hope to discover by introducing herself to the stranger?
Inne idiomy z "Eye"
- Keep an eye on - mieć na oku
- Eye of the storm - oko cyklonu
- Apple of someone's eye - oczko w głowie
- Catch the eye - przyciągnąć uwagę
- Close one's eyes to - zamknąć na coś oczy
- In the public eye - w centrum uwagi
- See eye to eye - zgadzać się
- Third eye - trzecie oko
- An eye-opener - coś co otwiera oczy
- With an eagle eye - z sokolim wzrokiem
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