Poniższe opowiadanie napisałem tak, by zawierało 10 najczęściej używanych idiomów w języku angielskim.
Idiom to wyrażenie, którego znaczenie nie wynika bezpośrednio ze znaczenia poszczególnych słów, które go tworzą. Innymi słowy, idiom to ustalony zwrot lub wyrażenie, które ma specyficzne, często metaforyczne znaczenie, znane tylko osobom obeznanym z danym językiem lub kulturą.
Let the cat out of the bag - wygadać się, ujawnić tajemnicę
Emili's own bakery
Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a young woman named Emily who decided to start her own bakery. She knew it wouldn't be a piece of cake, but she was determined to succeed.
On the first day of opening, Emily tried to break the ice with her customers by offering free samples of her pastries. To her delight, it worked, and people started to feel more comfortable in her cozy little shop.
However, not everything went smoothly. One morning, Emily arrived at the bakery only to find that the oven had broken down. She knew she had to bite the bullet and call for an expensive repair. The repairman told her it would cost a fortune, but Emily decided to go ahead. She didn't want to break the bank, but she knew it was necessary to keep her business running.
Emily had a friend named Jack who often visited her bakery. One day, while they were chatting, Jack mentioned that he felt under the weather. Emily, being a caring friend, insisted he take some pastries home to make him feel better. As they talked, Jack accidentally let the cat out of the bag about Emily's upcoming birthday surprise. Emily was surprised but pretended not to notice.
A few weeks later, Emily faced another challenge. She needed to create a new menu for a big catering order, and she felt overwhelmed. She burned the midnight oil, working late into the night to perfect her recipes. Her hard work paid off, and the event was a huge success.
One day, a local journalist visited the bakery. She asked Emily how she managed to stay positive despite the challenges. Emily smiled and said, "Well, sometimes you just have to kill two birds with one stone. I bake to make people happy and to fulfill my passion."
The journalist was impressed and wrote a glowing article about Emily's bakery. As a result, more customers came in, and business boomed. Emily knew she had hit the nail on the head with her approach to baking and customer service.
Finally, one sunny afternoon, Emily received an invitation to participate in a prestigious baking competition. The ball was in her court. She decided to take the chance and showcase her skills on a larger stage.
Emily's journey wasn't easy, but she learned that with determination and a bit of creativity, she could overcome any obstacle. Her bakery became the heart of the town, a place where everyone felt welcome and loved. And Emily knew that no matter what challenges came her way, she would always rise to the occasion, just like she did from the very beginning.
Idiomy zawarte w opowiadaniu:
- Piece of cake - bułka z masłem, coś bardzo łatwego do zrobienia
- Break the ice - przełamać lody
- Bite the bullet - zacisnąć zęby, zrobić coś trudnego lub nieprzyjemnego, co jest nieuniknione
- Break the bank - wydać bardzo dużo pieniędzy
- Under the weather - źle się czuć, być chorym
- Let the cat out of the bag - wygadać się, ujawnić tajemnicę
- Burn the midnight oil - pracować do późna w nocy
- Kill two birds with one stone - upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu, osiągnąć dwa cele jednym działaniem
- Hit the nail on the head - trafić w sedno
- The ball is in your court - piłka jest po twojej stronie, to twoja kolej na działanie
Trudniejsze słowa:
- Determined - zdeterminowana
- Delight - radość, przyjemność
- Cozy - przytulny
- Smoothly - gładko, bezproblemowo
- Fortune - fortuna, duża suma pieniędzy
- Necessary - konieczny
- Challenged - wyzwanie
- Caring - troskliwy
- Overwhelmed - przytłoczony
- Journalist - dziennikarka
- Prestigious - prestiżowy
Zwroty użyte w opowiadaniu:
- Start her own bakery - otworzyć własną piekarnię
- Offering free samples - oferowanie darmowych próbek
- Call for an expensive repair - wezwać drogiego naprawiacza
- Keep her business running - utrzymać działanie swojego biznesu
- Take some pastries home - zabrać do domu trochę wypieków
- Working late into the night - pracować do późna w nocy
- Received an invitation - otrzymać zaproszenie
- Showcase her skills - zaprezentować swoje umiejętności